Saturday, December 27, 2014

Just Us Girls #273 Photo Week

Hello Everyone,
Nancy here, and I have the honor of hosting the Last Challenge of 2014.
Can you believe that we are approaching the end of another year?
Where does the time go!  It's unbelievable isn't it?

I also would like to say THANK YOU to our new and or continuous 
faithful participants!  On behalf of the Just Us Girls Team I would like
 to say thanks for keeping us in your lives for yet another year!
 We sure do appreciate it!

Now that Christmas is behind us I thought
 it would be fun to lighten things up a little with a fun Inspiration photo!

I can't wait to see what inspiration you take from this cute photo!  
Will you be drawn to a baby theme like Vicki and I were or something
 totally different like the rest of the Design team did?  
The ladies did an amazing job!  

I would also like to say thanks and Farewell to our Guest Designer 
Lee Ann Barrett!  We so enjoyed having you with us Lee Ann!
Please keep in touch and play along again with us when you can are very talented!

Here is a larger view of our inspiration photo.

Guest Designer - Lee Ann Barrett!


If you win Chic of the Week in any of our December challenges, you will be in the running to be our Guest Designer for the month of February.  Good luck!

How to play:  Please copy and use our graphic in your post.  You need to upload your new project [no back dating please] for this week's challenge to your online blog or to a public photo gallery.  Leave a link that goes directly to your project in the Linky Tools form at the bottom of this post.  If you upload to an online gallery, please use keyword JUGS#273.  After you post to Linky Tools you may also leave a comment here.  We ♥ hearing what you think of our challenges!

Please limit your entries to 3 

Deadline to be considered for the "Chic of the Week" is 9PM EST on Thursday, January 1st.  Our Chic of the Week will be announced the following Friday.  

Thanks for playing along and Happy New Year too!

This linky list is now closed.


Nancy said...

I love this color combo. Hope I can play along!

Sharyn Polesel said...

Isn't it great! We hope you will play along too!

Nancy in Iowa said...

Love this color combo! A true challenge for me - but I think I'm all in! Thank you for the lovely inspirations!

Sharyn Polesel said...

Thanks, Nancy! Glad to have you back with us this week!

Manuela said...

Fantastic photo challenge :-)
beautiful cards of the DT

Unknown said...

So happy to begin this new year with a so beautiful photo inspiration !! :-)

Sharyn Polesel said...

Thanks, Manuela and Melanie, for the kind comments. So happy to have you both with us this week!

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