Thursday, August 15, 2024

Winner of the Week #739

Welcome back to Just Us Girls. We are delighted with the fabulous entries shared in the gallery; 32 to be exact.  Although the challenge of *Frame* was simple, you showed amazing creativity in both the style of and images inside the frames. I had a difficult time narrowing the winner down to one card, as all your cards are definitely frame-worthy, however, making a choice is a must. The Winner of the Week is...

Milla's watercolour poppies are lovely and made all the more eye-catching with her stylized frame design.
Congratulations Milla; please take your W.O.W. Badge from the side bar.

I'd also like to highlight two more cards that caught my eye:

The leafy Halloween colours frame works wonderfully for the two spooky ghosts.

What else to say but Awww! The framed piggy in the garden is charming.

To all who played along: thank you! Your enthusiasm for our challenges brings us joy.

 Please join us in an hour for Mood Board inspiration with our wonderful teammate Lisa.



I Card Everyone said...

My simple ghosts bow to the brilliance of Milla and Ashwini's cards, c! But thank you so much!
Congratulations all around!

Ashwini Rao said...

Absolutely delighted to be showcased along with those gorgeous cards! Congrats to Milla and Michele and a lot of thanks for spotting and selecting my little creation! Yay!!

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