
Thursday, May 9, 2024

Just Us Girls Challenge #726 - Word Week

Hello and welcome to Word Week at Just Us Girls Challenge. It's Stephanie here as your host. The challenge word is GARDEN. There are so many ways to interpret this challenge especially because it is planting time (in the Northern Hemisphere, that is...). Our fabulous Guest Designer, Jenny, and the Design Team have amazing inspiration pieces to get your creative juices flowing. Have fun! See you in the gallery.


Just a reminder: 

  • If you win Winner of the Week in any of our May challenges, you are in the running to be chosen as our Guest Designer for the month of July.
How to play
  • Please copy and use our graphic on your post. 
  • Upload your new project [no back dating please] for this week's challenge to your online blog or to a public photo gallery. 
  • Leave a link that goes directly to your project in the Linky Tools form at the bottom of this post.
  • Deadline to be considered for the "Winner of the Week" is Tuesday, 9:00 PM EST on May 14th. The Linky Tools form will close at that time. 
  • Our "Winner of the Week", will be announced the following Wednesday morning.


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