Frequently Asked ??'s

Q-When does the gallery close for the current challenge?
A- It closes each Wednesday, 6:00 PM EST time.

Q-How many times may I enter a challenge?
A- We limit your entries to 3.

Q- Do I have to make a card for your challenge?
A- No, although you will see in the gallery, the designers and participants primarily make cards. However, you will also see other types of paper crafts from time to time. Example- Tags, Scrapbook pages and such.  

Q-How can I be selected as a Winner of the Week.
A- Play as often as you can, but most importantly have fun!

Q- Who selects the Winner of the Week?
A- The hostess of that week's challenge.

Q- How do I contact the team?
A- Leave a comment in the comment section of the challenge and one of us will get back to you.

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