Saturday, July 29, 2017

Just Us Girls #404 Wild Card Week

Hello Crafty Ones - Ina here as your Host for our Wild Card Week.
Once again I have chosen as easy one for you.
I would like you to use
  Something Old and/or Something New or you could use both
but please tell us what you chose. I will be looking for that.

Once again Aileen has once again delivered 
a stunning card for her last week as our July Guest Designer.
We have all loved seeing her amazing talents this month.
Aileen It has been such a pleasure to have you as our Guest. Thank You.

So on to get the ball rolling - 


and the Team

Just a reminder: If you win Chic of the Week in any of our July challenges, you are in the running to be chosen as our Guest Designer for the month of September. 
How to play: Please copy and use our graphic on your post. 
You need to upload your new project [no back dating please] for this week's challenge to your online blog or to a public photo gallery. 
Leave a link that goes directly to your project in the Linky Tools form at the bottom of this post. . After you post to Linky Tools you may also leave a comment here. 
We ♥ love hearing what you think of our challenges!
 Deadline to be considered for the "Chic of the Week" is 9:00 PM EST on Thursday, 3rd August . 
The Linky Tools form will close at that time. Our "Chic of the Week", will be announced the following Friday morning. Thanks for playing along. 
We can't wait to see what you create for Just Us Girls! 
Please limit your entries to 3.

This linky list is now closed.


Janice said...

Fabulous inspiration, thanks for a great challenge.
Janice x

Mac Mable said...

Always very creative and fabulous inspiration from the team and loving Aileen's amazing card x

Andrea W said...

Thanks for the old/new challenge! I dug through my paper stash and used some retired dsp. The examples this week are lovely!

Anita in France said...

What a fun challenge ... and delicious inspiration ... thank you! Anita :)

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