Thursday, February 23, 2012

Chic of the Week #124!

Thanks so much to everyone who created for our color challenge this past week.  There were so many wonderful entries!  This week's Chic is......

Jeanne, you had me at rolled and glittered flowers and your gorgeous three dimensional composition with all four of the challenge colors!  Please email me at paperdaydream at aol dot com for your Chic of the Week Badge.  Thanks so much for sharing this with us this week! 

Be sure and tune in saturday for our 3D challenge.  It's sure to be fun!


Lin said...

WOW, what a beauty - congratulations, Jeanne!

Cheri said...

Beautiful card, Jeanne. Congratulations!!!

Naomi Edwards said...

OMGosh this is so colorful, I just love it! Congradualations Jeanne! I really like your spiral flowers!

Hop on over to my new blog, I am celebrating a blog makeover and giving away a $25 Michael's gift card!

Christina Griffiths said...

Beautiful composition and the colours are lovely. The spiral blooms look really good and you are a well deserved winner. xx

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