Saturday, November 24, 2018

Just Us Girls #468 - Photo Week

Hi everyone!  It's Lisa here with your Photo Week challenge.  I hope this helps get your holiday card making into high gear!  I just love this fun photo!
Here's a close-up of the photo in case the one above is too small to see.  Let's see what everyone did with it this week!

November Guest - Claire Garland
This is Claire's last week with us, and we'd like to extend our sincere thanks for all the fabulous designs she's added to our November challenges!

And now some inspiration from the JUGs design team...




Just a reminder: If you win Chic of the Week in any of our November challenges, you are in the running to be chosen as our Guest Designer for the month of January 2019.
How to play: Please copy and use our graphic on your post. You need to upload your new project [no back dating please] for this week's challenge to your online blog or to a public photo gallery. Leave a link that goes directly to your project in the Linky Tools form at the bottom of this post. [Please limit your entries to 3].
Deadline to be considered for the "Chic of the Week" is 9:00 PM EST on Thursday, November 29. The Linky Tools form will close at that time. Our "Chic of the Week", will be announced the following Friday morning.
Thanks for playing along. We can't wait to see what you create for Just Us Girls!

This linky list is now closed.

1 comment:

Claire said...

Thank you so much for inviting me to be the November GD, its flown by and I've really had fun playing along with you all. Thanks for the comments you've all left on my blog and I know you ladies are taking a December break so I'll take this time to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and I'll be back in the New Year to play along... hugs Claire x

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