Friday, October 13, 2023

Chic of the Week #700

 Thank you all for joining in our 700th challenge!  That was a huge milestone for us, and we are proud to still be around.  The winner of the Chic of the Week, and the prize I am giving away is............

Michele Ferguson!

Congratulations Michele!  You can contact me at to get your blog badge, and your prize.

 For the individual team members who were offering prizes, they will contact you directly.  

Thanks again to all of you  who joined in our 700th challenge!

Be sure and come by tomorrow for the WORD WEEK, hosted by Lisa Elton.

~Lisa K.~

1 comment:

I Card Everyone said...

Lisa, you can't imagine how honored I am to win your 700th challenge! I loved reimagining my Crane in your chosen colors - thank you so very much!

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