Thursday, February 15, 2024

Just Us Girls Challenge #714 Mood Board Week

 Hello and Welcome!
Ina here as Host for Mood Board Week.
This is always popular with so many variables.
I am a purple person so when I saw this board
I knew the colours/images would be easy to choose from.

The shells/sea life were a hit with quite a few.
Check out our Guests oh so pretty make

And how the Team were inspired!





Carol Mc

Looking forward to  a colourful creative gallery.

Just a reminder: 

  • If you win Winner of the Week in any of our February challenges, you are in the running to be chosen as our Guest Designer for the month of April.
How to play
  • Please copy and use our graphic on your post. 
  • Upload your new project [no back dating please] for this week's challenge to your online blog or to a public photo gallery. 
  • Leave a link that goes directly to your project in the Linky Tools form at the bottom of this post.
  • Deadline to be considered for the "Winner of the Week" is Tuesday, 9:00 PM EST on 21st February. The Linky Tools form will close at that time. 
  • Our "Winner of the Week", will be announced the following Wednesday morning.


This linky list is now closed.


I Card Everyone said...

Ina!! OH! this is a gorgeous board! Hope I can play along!

Gloria Shirr (purpleglo) said...
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Grenouille Greetings said...

Well, I absolutely LOVED your mood board and I'm gutted that I'm too late to enter my card. I swear that when I looked yesterday evening, Linky said I still had a day to enter but it was too dark to take the photo. Hey ho! Having only recently found your site, I shall definitely be playing again in the future. Hugs, Lesley

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